Tuesday, October 2, 2007

R.I.P Michael Webb

I have the sorry task of informing you all that our good friend, Michael Webb, is no longer with Peace Corps Panama (for reasons I shall not delve into). It's a shame because I cannot think of another trainee in our group of 42 that could have made a better volunteer. That is in no way an insult to any of us but as proof of this young man's character. We're really going to miss you these next couple of years and I hope you visit soon and often.

And now, the exciting part everyone has been waiting for: pictures.

A few of us had a "stache bash." That hole is Michael shaped for he was growing one out as well.

I visited the province that I will be living at for the next 2 years as part of our culture week and this is one of the music performances they put on for us in traditional dress (polleras). I believe the music is called Tamborito (small drum). The one in the green is the volunteer who resides there. We visited her.

We cut chicken's heads off as part of integrating in the campo lifestyle. See how the wing is bleeding? A trainee who shall remain nameless had no previous experience so he/she began to hack away at the poor rooster like a piƱata which was followed by many "holy shit!"s and "duuuuude! aim for his neck!" and then he/she would say "I'm trying"... I took pictures and a video of it.

During tech week we all got about 10 hrs of sleep and woke up pre-sunrise since we were so tired from the day's construction. The gnobe host family I stayed with for a week lived on a loma (hill in panamanian spanish) with a beautiful view under their noses. I bet they don't know how truly awesome their location is (i hate ending sentences with a prepostion). To them it is normal, they all got them, like inflated bellies on their kids. It's sad but this is why we are here... to shed some light on behaviour changes that would raise their standard of living.

Alright, I have to go cos this place will close and I am hungry for some non-Panamanian food.

1 comment:

Keesler said...

ugh. I don't think I could cut heads off....