Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finally Some Visuals

you can click on the images to make them bigger. So please do so if you feel inclined. These are all fotos from my site taken within the past month. enjoy.

This is a machine called a "trapichi" and is used to manually grind sugar cane into "guarapo" which is the juice that resides inside. Very hard work. it is later boiled for 8 hours or so until it becomes syrup. much better than sugar.

surprisingly sanitary.

some pig chillin' on a hot sunday afternoon in the middle of the soccer field. that´s a goal post in the back.

one of my fave pals in site. helping me build my rancho. and by helping me i mean, he and other guys do most of it while i "ooh" and "ahh" and take pictures.

i swing machetes and axes and handle sharp knives on a regular basis. he's measuring wood for one of the pilars.

more of the rancho building.

the rancho is like a poor man's house. pictures of a completed one soon.

children who are shy.

she's loud and not shy. i like her. i forget her name though.

my host family's kitchen. the two grandaughter's are present where one is feeding the chickens corn while simultaneously helping herself to some.